Master Your Mail

Master Your Mail

Mail Pileup & Consequences In a digital time it is amazing how much physical mail that still comes to our homes and businesses every day. With our busy schedules it can be a task easily set aside and forgotten about. Most of it is bills, spam or ads but all of...
Letting Go of your Stuff

Letting Go of your Stuff

Why Is It Hard To Let Go? When I talk to my clients about decluttering and organizing on their own they tell him how hard it is for them to let go of an item. They know logically they don’t use the item, it doesn’t fit, it’s broken, it’s not theirs but they still...
Organizing Your Digital Files

Organizing Your Digital Files

Going Digital Congratulations! You’ve gone digital and you’re using less paper with your home or office files! Well now that you have all these files what’s next? Digital organization can be just as overwhelming as a paper filing system. You need to be able to find...