Nothing is Productive
I know what you’re thinking, how is it possible that doing nothing be more productive: It can!
I believe taking time to do nothing can lead to less stress and being more productive. Hear me out. I’ve always been a big fan of taking even a small break to breathe, reset, refocus or just relax so you can get back to being productive.
But, the Dutch have actually taken this concept and idea even further. They named it Niksen.
Niksen: Do Nothing
The Dutch call the concept of doing nothing Niksen. Maybe you have heard of this concept in a recent New York Times article all about Niksen.
This is house it works: you literally do nothing.
You don’t watch TV, read a book, scroll on your phone, or wash dishes. You just relax.
Have you ever tried this? Some people might be surprised how hard it is or awkward it feels at first to just sit and do nothing. We have quickly adapted to always fill our down time with a device, especially our phones; waiting for an elevator, sitting in the parking lot, at a baseball game, while the laundry is going.
We even do it while having face to face human conversations or driving. (scary, I know) We are programmed to go go go, get things done, even multi-task as often as we can, but we don’t just sit and rest.
I love this concept so much. I must confess growing up my absolute favorite activity was daydreaming. Wherever I was I would daydream. In the car, in the yard, in class (sorry teachers), at the dinner table or even in church. This is a form a Niksen – doing nothing.
I was never really multitasking, I was sitting or laying down. I probably should have been paying attention to other things but my mind obviously needed an escape, a break so I checked out.
Now as adults we have even more distractions, responsibilities and stressors that occupy our brains and hearts. We can’t just check out or daydream during meetings, while taking care of kids or just anywhere accidentally. We can however PLAN a little mental break. We need to unplug, escape and do nothing.

Trying Niksen
So how do you Niksen and do nothing? You don’t have to do nothing for an hour. It can be just a few minutes but it’s the intention that counts. Its being mindful about taking the time to disconnect, take a break and do nothing.
Let your mind relax and be quiet. You don’t have to meditate even though it sounds similar but don’t get sucked into something mindless. Think of this as more as a lifestyle like the Dutch than another task to check off your list. Give it a try once or twice a week. Start small with 5 minutes or so and see how it feels. If you need to schedule it on your daily calendar.
Plan for distractions. If you want to do it at the office tell others you’re on a call or finishing up a project and you’re not to be disturbed. If you’re at home tell everyone in your household what you’re doing and when they can come back to you with anything they need. Turn off your phone or better yet hide it, put it on silent and leave the room. Don’t just scroll. Give your eyes and brain the break it deserves. You deserve this.
Final Thoughts
Have you done Niksen before? If you try it I’d love to hear the results!
Tell me what you think in the comments about this concept?
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