How productive have you been in 2019?
We are halfway through the month of April and hopefully you have made headway on your 2019 goals. If you’re feeling behind in your work, like you’re not getting work done, or not making time for what you love, it can be hard to feel productive. So many people I talk to feel busy – but not productive. They don’t know where their time goes and they don’t know how to improve their productivity.
If this sounds familiar here are 3 easy productivity tips you can implement.
Tip #1: Become a Master Tracker
Pick one place to track your tasks and to dos. This can be in an app, calendar, notebook or combination – whatever works for you. The key here is to track everything you need to do.
Tip #2: Information is Power
Track your time, hour by hour for 3 days (or more if you want). This will be an eye opening exercise. When you can see what is chewing up time in your day, you can make changes. Do you get sucked into your phone or maybe you schedule too many meetings to actually get work completed? This could lead to no time to go to networking events or just take care of yourself and go to the gym. The important thing is you now have information about where your time is going – now try scheduling the next week more purposefully.
Tip #3: Preset Everything
Set up, set out and preset anything you can for the day and week ahead. Prepare notes for meetings you have the day before, create agenda templates, meal prep and plan dinners. Do as much work as possible ahead of time. Get clothes ready the night before and set your coffee machine or tea up. Your week will go a lot smoother – I promise!
Get started this week and apply these tips!
Leave me a comment with what you learned for implementing them and how they worked for you. I can’t wait to hear from you.
Want to learn more? Keep Scrolling!
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Join my Beta Productivity Program!
(There’s only 5 spots available!)
These tips are great for self starters and can really make an impact on your day. If you find yourself looking for more personalized productivity strategies and coaching then join my beta program. When you take advantage of this special offer we will work together to create personalized coaching designed to meet your productivity needs and goals. This program will start on May 1st and spots will be limited.
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