Summer is Unique
Summer takes forever to get here and goes by so fast. We have so many ideas, plans and activities we want to get to there never seems to be enough time. Family and friends all want to go places and soak up the sun and good weather. There is a complication though – work. We still have work obligations whether you are self employed, work in an office, or work in the home. We need to strike a balance between enjoying the summer and staying on target for our goals and be productive.
Fresh Take
Start by looking at summer with fresh eyes and a fresh approach. Try looking at summer like a new year. When January 1st hits we take stock of the previous year and decide what our life should look like and what goals we want to strive for. Let’s do that for the summer. What do you want your work and personal life balance to look like? How can you stay productive but not feel like you’re missing out on activities with family and friends?
Strategies for Striking a Balance
- Review Last Summer – what did you love about it and what would you change?
- Create a Vision for this Summer – what kind of balance do you want?
- Write Down Fun Goals – what trips or daily activities do you want to do? (They don’t have to be a big trip or concert. It can be as simple as nature walks or daily lemonade outside in the sun with a friend)
- Write Down Work Goals – what do you need to accomplish at work or home this summer?
- Look at your Schedule for the Summer and start writing in those activities and goals.
- Set Weekly Reminders for Yourself or tell a friend or family member what your summer intentions are to help keep you on track.

Final Tip
Enjoy the summer! Savor the small and big moments and always strive for balance.
Enjoy the summer! Savor the small and big moments and always strive for balance.
Contact me here or my social media for more!
Have Fun!
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