Black Friday Alternatives

Black Friday Alternatives

Skipping The Biggest Shopping Day For so many of us Black Friday has become a huge, stressful ordeal over the years. Sometimes it can even be a spectacle as we have seen on the news. Some people get all their holiday shopping done on Friday and even get a few deals...
Declutter for the Holidays

Declutter for the Holidays

Preparing Your Home Some of us have been in denial that Thanksgiving and the holidays are here but they are. It’s an extremely busy time with lots of activities. If you’re hosting a family or friend gathering then you have even more on your plate than just...
Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

You are your greatest asset. I’ve said it in other blogs but I think it bears repeating because it is so important – YOU ARE YOUR BIGGEST ASSET. All the apps, platforms, planners, checklists mean nothing if you’re not ok. If you’re sick you know what that does...