Preparing Your Home
Some of us have been in denial that Thanksgiving and the holidays are here but they are. It’s an extremely busy time with lots of activities. If you’re hosting a family or friend gathering then you have even more on your plate than just decluttering.
It can be overwhelming but take a deep breath and tackle one thing at a time. Follow the guide below to decluttering tips and prepare your home for the holidays.
Practically Organized Holiday Home Prep
Deep clean your home
Or at least the main level and area where you will be entertaining (include all bathrooms). This is not just for guests but to help you feel great about your home because it’s clean. Get the family involved or if possible outsource this task to professionals.
Clearing and decluttering surfaces
Clear off all surfaces (countertops, tables, benches, credenzas etc) of anything non essentials. This means anything that does not normally belong there. Bring the items to the room or space they belong in. When there are large gatherings there never seems to be enough surface space for food and beverages. Clearing space and decluttering in advance makes it easier. Challenge yourself to keep these surfaces clear for as long as you can even after hosting.
Clear floors and corners
We all have certain doorways and corners that attract clutter. This is the time to put everything away where it should be or take the donations that have been sitting by the back door to your car for drop off. Take a deep breath and sort the mystery pile in the corner. It will go faster that you think. Once you start sorting and processing you will gain momentum.
Inventory your food
Using your planned meals and recipes check your pantry and fridge for everything you will need. Make sure the pumpkin filling you have hasn’t expired and build your shopping list from anything you don’t have. Then head to the store or order online. Don’t forget to add to the list toiletries for guests, toilet paper and paper towels. Those are the last things anyone wants to run out for on a holiday.
Get your festive decorations out and table settings and create your holiday vision. Delegating to other family members brings everyone in on the fun part of the holidays.
Create a ‘Day of’ checklist
A lot of prep work can’t be done until the day or week your hosting so creating a list of tasks you need to accomplish that day will help you remember everything. It also makes it easy to divide up the tasks so others can help.
Clear your memory
Delete some photos on your phone to make sure you have enough memory and space to capture those videos and pictures. Enjoy the moment and capture it!
Final Thoughts
It will all work out. If you don’t get everything completed on the list don’t worry it will still be a great event and holiday!
Everyone coming over to celebrate has a busy life and a house that is not completely orderly and clean so they understand. What matters is that everyone is there to enjoy each other and make memories. Imperfect is perfect!
Reach out and get organized!
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Loved how you wrapped it all up about not worrying it you didn’t get to everything, the people you are with will appreciate all that you did and enjoy their company