Mail Pileup & Consequences
In a digital time it is amazing how much physical mail that still comes to our homes and businesses every day. With our busy schedules it can be a task easily set aside and forgotten about. Most of it is bills, spam or ads but all of that is still important.
Yes – I am saying that the spam and ads are important to but hear me out. The bills are obviously important because we need to review them and make sure we pay them on time so that whatever service or loan doesn’t incur penalties. That is just a fact of life that won’t go away.
The rest of the mail is important because it is now in our home and space. It needs our attention and if we set it aside to deal with later it most likely will become clutter and attract more clutter.
As the junk mail accumulates our stress levels increase and dealing with the clutter can feel more daunting. Identifying the junk mail right from the start as important enough to take action and recycle or shred proves we value our space and peace of mind. Don’t let bills go unpaid or junk pile up.
Sorting Station
The best way to master your mail is by setting up a sorting station. This doesn’t have to be elaborate as long as it has all of these components wherever you open and sort through your mail.
- Recycling bin
- Shredding bin
- Bin/Folder for bills
- Bin/Folder for action items
- Bin/Folder for items to be filed
The recycling and shredding bins help you get rid of the junk mail and envelopes right away and prevent clutter. The bins or folders for bills, action items and filing help you seperate mail based on the information.
If you need to keep something but it no longer requires your attention or action set it aside to file or file right away. This gives you a clear view of what needs your action or what bills need to be paid. You can prioritize bills and action items based on due dates.
By creating this station you have what you need to process your mail as soon as you retrieve it. The station should be wherever you normally open mail whether that is the kitchen, bedroom or office.
Making a Habit
I know mastering your mail might mean making a new habit. That can seem a little daunting especially if you’ve attempted to make one before and it didn’t work out.
Here is a trick – link this new habit to an existing habit.
If you always change clothes after work and sit on the couch then set up your station there. Set your recycling and shredding bins nearby and get your folders ready. Sort through the mail while listening to the news or music to end your day.
You will be more successful at establishing this habit through this link. Also, don’t be hard on yourself if you miss a day. Playing catch up for a day or two is a lot easier than if you ignored your mail for weeks or months.
Let me know in the comments where you open your mail.
I open it at my desk!
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