My Journey
I want to be completely honest with you all. I did not go on a style journey so I could write this blog. This was my experience and the results were unexpected but I thought some of you might relate so I’m sharing it with you. I am NOT a fashionista. I don’t follow fashion trends, I’m not bold in my clothing choices and I don’t feel the need to express myself through clothing because it would end of being a cross between Harry Potter shirts or something from The Office. I have however always wanted to look and feel put together, comfortable, and confident. I never felt I had a defined style and never really needed to but I felt it might help me have some direction when shopping and planning outfits for events and trips.
After finally giving in and saying out loud that I need some guidance I reached out to someone I felt had it together style wise. This friend also happens to be a talented interior decorator and fellow organizer, Amy Dobson, (Check out her work on Instagram @reclaim_interiors). She suggested finding pieces in my closet I loved and noting what I specifically like about them and noticing any patterns and colors in the clothes I picked. She also suggested finding people online who’s style I liked.
After reviewing my closet and staring at some of the clothes that were favorites – I hit a wall. I needed something more concrete and wanted a road map. So I started searching for online quizzes that help you find your style. Avoid anything connected to a brand or store because they just want to sell you something. I found one I liked, took the quiz and the results were dead on! “Natural Style” That’s me. As I read the definition and people who embodied that style I knew I found the right one. This gave me a guide and focus as I sorted clothes and figured out my next steps.
My Closet
With my defined style in my head I tackled my closet and clothes. Now I’m a Certified Professional Organizer. I did not think there would be a lot to get rid of since I go through my clothes regularly and donate often. Going through my clothes with a defined style as my guide was a totally different experience than just a regular purge. I will admit I was pretty ruthless about what did and did not fit my style now and going forward. I went through every drawer and every hanger.
At the end I got rid of HALF of all the clothes in my drawers and 75 PERCENT of my hanging clothes!
That is a lot and I’m an organizer! It revealed how many items of clothes I didn’t really think fit me and my style and what I was holding on to from the past. It felt amazing! It was a huge relief and a huge donation to my local thrift shop. In the end I made a list of what kinds of clothing items I was in need of (a few tops, sweaters and a pair of sandals).

How to Get Started
If I can do this and I don’t know anything about fashion then you can do it. Here are some tips to get started on your own.
- Find your style – this is the quiz I took
- Talk to a friend or family member about it – someone who knows you well and can be a sounding board
- Pick a color palate
- Use your style guide to analyze all of your clothes
- Ask yourself honestly if it fits the style that you want to express
- Ask yourself if the items in good condition
- Think of this as a style overhaul
- Don’t be afraid to find a taylor to mend pieces or have them fitted to you
- It’s ok to hold on to a piece of clothing until you’ve found the right one to replace it
- Have fun!
Final Thoughts
Finding my style definition wasn’t a huge surprise but it was helpful to see in writing my vibe or my self expression. Everyone’s style is different and that is truly amazing. I’m not advocating that everyone has to have one defined style. I am saying that defining your style and vision can help you streamline your closet, clear out drawers and simplify getting dressed every day. It has for me.
Please share with me your results if you take the quiz and share any before and after closet pics!
Contact me here or my social media for more!
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