Getting Crafty
Organizing kid’s crafts supplies and games can seem daunting. There are a lot of pieces to everything, some require supervision and they all seem to multiple and turn up in every part of the home. One of the biggest contributing factors to this is not having a proper accessible home for all the parts and pieces. The fun part of this process is creating those homes for all the supplies and activities.
The best place to start is gathering all the crafts supplies, activities and games you own. Group the supplies by medium. Some examples of categories are: glue, tape, markers, pencils, coloring books, sticker books, paint, ribbon, pom poms, glitter, card games, board games, crossword puzzles and construction paper.
Storage Tips and Options
- Make sure you separate adult crafts supplies from this process. You wouldn’t want your child to use your nice ribbon for her “dragon net” so store similar items out of reach.
- All crafts, activities or games that require adult supervision should be stored up high or out of reach.
- Games – If the box is not necessary for the game to be played consider storing the game pieces in a resealable bag or a smaller container.
- Games – If you like storing it in the original box I recommend going vertical. Secure the box so it stays closed and stand it up like a book. Kids can see what they have and they can access it.
- Activity Books/Coloring Books – Group and store them by type of activity. Utilizing file totes and magazine holders is a great way for them to be seen and stored with ease.
- Craft Supplies – Utilize clear containers with lids. This helps prevent spills or accidents as you take the supplies to the work area. The Container Store makes shoe and accessory boxes that work really well for crafts.
- Craft Supplies in Drawers – If you’re storing supplies in drawers instead of on shelves, utilize drawer organizers that as deep as the drawer allows.
- InterDesign makes a variety of organizers. The Container Store also has a variety of organizers available for drawers. If you’re an Ikea fan – try their Skubb organizers. They work well too.
Final Tip
Label, label, label and label. Everyone will know where to get it if it’s labeled and everyone will have no excuses about putting it back if it’s home is labeled. For children that don’t know how to read you can put a picture of the items stored in the container and they can join the process.
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Have Fun and Get Crafting!
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