The Holidays Are Coming…
Time to start planning for the holidays. I know its only September but this is the time of year where the next 3 months feel like 1 big month and go by so quickly.
We have several holidays in a short time frame that require a lot of time, effort and planning. Many people ask how can we start planning for the holidays while remaining present in the beauty that is fall. It is tricky to balance planning ahead while enjoying the moment. It can be helpful to think about it like a project with a lot of small things you can do ahead of time to make the actual event easier.
If you schedule them out and spread them out on your calendar then you can still be present for fall and enjoy the anticipation of leading up to the holidays.
Here are some tips to think about!
Holiday Planning Tips
- Figure out if you’re hosting any holiday get togethers this year. This will be key in creating your holiday action plan because if you are hosting you will have a lot more to do.
- Write down what needs to be done for each holiday including what needs to be purchased, made and what decisions need to be made. For example for halloween costumes need to be purchased or made, candy needs to be purchased etc
- Decide what on your list can be delegated to other friends, family members or outsourcing. Delegate as much as possible and give as much notice as possible. Remember others like to plan ahead too.
- Consider doing a potluck if you’re hosting so there is less kitchen prep for you to do.
- Keep a list of everyone you are getting gifts for and keep it with you at all times. This will help you if you’re out and see something that would make a great gift. If you can recall – note what you got them last year and it may even help to keep a little cheat sheet or note for previous years.
- Sort through your holiday decor now. Decided what you no longer need, what needs replacing and what needs repairing. This will make decorating easier and you won’t be making a mad dash to the store for last minute items.
- Put on the family calendar way in advance when you will decorate. Make an event out of it so it’s fun for everyone.
- If there are costumes or decorations you have to make – start gathering supplies and map out how much time you need to get it done. I can’t tell you how many partially completed projects I come across with helping people clear clutter.
- Set a reminder or 2 on your calendar to take a minute during the crazy holidays to remember what they are about and soak in the moment.
Final Thoughts
No matter how hard we try there will be some moments of stress and chaos during the holidays and leading up to them. That’s ok.
Hopefully, if you try some of these tips there will be less than past years and you will feel more relaxed and present because you’re not doing everything last minute.
Remember to enjoy the excitement everyone has leading up to the different holidays and when possible make it simple.
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