Finding a Buddy Can Help You Meet Your Goals
Sometimes achieving a goal, establishing a new habit or just getting through a rough season feels lonely and impossible. You shouldn’t go it alone. Find an accountability partner and it can be a game changer for you. Many people find they work better and more efficiently when they have some gentle oversight or when someone is holding them accountable.
There are a lot of distractions at home or in the office that can keep us from what we should be doing. Managers that use a hands off approach can be great, but if no one is holding you accountable on a regular basis your time can slip away and be unproductive. At home, there isn’t a deadline for laundry, mail to be opened or picking up toys. Those tasks get delayed and pile up pretty quickly. Panic sets in and then there is a mad dash to get it all done in one marathon session.
Change It Up & Get It Done!
Utilize technology. Ask your accountability partner to insist on proof. You can take a picture of the clean laundry, or the opened mail and marked bills. You can take a screenshot of the report you’re finalizing. This is a system that can help you manage work or home tasks without hiring someone to do it for you. You can also do this for your accountability partner in return. Together you can also track the progress of long term projects.
So Who Should You Partner Up With?
The good news is it can be anyone. Your partner should be invested and supportive of you and your goals. They should understand the importance of this system in your life. You can partner up with a friend, family member, coworker or fellow entrepreneur. You can have more than one! Find an accountability partner for health and fitness, house management, work or business. They don’t have to be long. If there is a project you’re working on such as, organizing your family photos, you can call a friend to come over once a week and hang out with you while you get it done. Your friend holds you accountable, you enjoy their company and also get the photos ordered.
So grab someone you trust to be firm but kind in holding you accountable and give it a try!
Contact me here or my social media for more! Check out my productivity services for a built in accountability partner!

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